Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Dreams? Well, what are dreams? Are they are subconscious giving us an insight into another realm? Are they fragments of memories that somehow we just paste together into a bizarre storyboard and then expect it to make sense? I don't know. You read a lot of dream intrepertations and what they mean, but is that really an accurate barometer for our psyche? Does seeing your great uncle in a dress driving a 1968 superbeetle mean your going to come across untold riches? I don't know.
I do know I've had some recurring dreams and I've asked the powers that help guide me (us) (if you believe) to either have them move along or give me some sort of resolution as to the troubling aspects of them. I really don't need to be reminded of any of my shortcomings in life on a nightly basis. So We shall see.


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