Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bass Players

So, this time around in trying to get a band together it's been bass players. We are now on #5 since last August. In the last band it was drummers. I really hope this guy stays around long enough so we can get playing out. Once you do, and reach a certain point of credibility, it becomes so much easier to either --stay together, or if someone leaves, it's easier to pick up someone new.
I have a cold and would like to take a sick day at work, but we have a policy where unless a vital organ is hanging from your body it's best to show up.
So it goes.


Blogger Cathy with a C said...

I hope you feel better soon. How was lesson day? I practiced a lot this week - am trying hard to make myself do it every day. Haven't pulled out my theory book this week but that's on my list of things to do as well!

Feel better! Firework season is heading your way quickly!

Cathy xox

8:14 PM  

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