Things I Let Slide- Until Now
O.K. The kidnapping in Haiti where the family had a child abducted and recieved a ransom note for $680.00 and because they couldn't pay it, they executed the child. There are several others I have run across that I won't bother going into but what has got me to the idiocy boiling point- I just read the British teacher in Sudan who "named" a teddy bear Muhammad and now has been fired and could be subject to 40 lashes -(What the hell is a lash, who's giving it and with what???) and 6 months in prison plus a fine.
Fine -I respect everyone's religious beliefs. Fine I understand I don't understand the middle east. Fine- Dubai is investing 7.5 Billion in Citicorp because we manage to fuck up our own finances in this country so badly. Fine-- Gas is 3.09 and going up and Exxon/Mobil only has made-Profit- in the last year of somewhere of well over $100 Billion-I believe Profit means that after ALL expenses are paid. Plus that is only one of several companies making Billions after Billions on our cotinuing plan to , well, I really don't know what our plan is anymore, but I do know , we really ought to come up with a better one than the one we have now.
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