Thursday, February 07, 2008

Time and a Calendar

Did you ever off-handedly cross off a day on your desk calendar? Or a couple, if you were out of the office? Or a month, because the new one has started? Sometimes I sit and think that all those moments, all the seconds and minutes and experience that transpired are gone and will never be repeated. Every joy, every pain , everyone that cut you off on the road but you still made it home safe. Gone....Or is it? Being a somewhat amateur astronomer-(amateur, that is) - I have some times these little drops of thought or insight or whatever they may be construed. In theory all that we do,everything on this planet and all around us expend a certain amount of energy to exist and to create the next moment......But if we were on the nearest star-other than the sun- and I actually mean on a planet orbiting that star which is Proxima Centauri, it is 4.2 light years away. They are just welcoming George Bush as the next President on there T.V. sets (if they had a really good cable connection) and all that transpires is to be unfolded to them as the present - which to us is 4.2 years old already. So to make a thought that is really somewhat uncomprehensible into something my little mind can wrap around, imagine we could travel there, either with our mind or our body and see all that we have crossed off our calendar!!!!!. And expoentially the further out you could travel , you could catch yourself being born. .......But if this really is the reality we live in does it mean that anything ever really de-exists from this dimension or is just caught in a piece of time that we cannot fathom. Unless your, like, a really smart physicst dude. Have a nice day, see you yesterday!


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