Monday, January 02, 2006

Lovely New Year

A cold. That's how News Years started and seems to be continuing. The medicine you buy in the stores usually make you feel worse than the actual cold-at least for me. I think they dump a mixture of alcohol and speed into a liquid and say it's gonna make you feel better. Ha Ha, maybe between the feeling of wanting to sleep 12 hours and then waking up and feeling like there's a small truck parked on your head. At least you can breathe! Until 2 days later when you decide that you don't feel any better anyway. At least they don't charge a lot for it.
So the guys I met are really into the band,talked tonight with the drummer
and I guess we'll get together this weekend to see about playing the originals and learning a couple cover tunes.
Arrested Development,that's one of the few T.V. shows I like and of course it's getting cancelled. Maybe some other of the 30 networks will pick it up.
Happy New Year- It's great to see the Rachel Fuller and Pete songs doing so well.


Blogger Rose said...


Thankyou, I'm glad you are a fighter! We need more of them. If we get a thousand fighters doing small parts, imagine what we could accomplish. (Assuming we are all fighting on the same side, that is.)

I hope you get over your cold soon. My Andrew also started out the new year with a cold. Lots of tea and citrus is what I keep telling him.

2 things to try:
- green tea with ginger boiled with the water
- gratefruit seed extract

They both work wonders.


7:45 PM  

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