Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday and taxes and music

What a better combination than Monday and getting all the tax forms you need to do your taxes. I don't dread taxes as much as some people, and right now it's fairly painless since I don't own a home or have my own business. Our company , which is a small family owned company averages a call a day from the accountant.
Getting back into a band is fun, but a lot work can go into a good band. We'll be starting to practice twice a week for a while. Trying to get the originals together and learn some cover tunes can get to be a lot. On our myspace sight some people are listening to them, so that's encouraging. It's not me yet, but we'll be redoing and adding a couple new ones shortly. I think we,ll have some good tunes to put out there.
Getting older and playing also has some insights. You don't think like you do when your 21. I'm not sure if it's always good. It's hard to keep an edge when your mired in a bunch of daily living sometimes. I guess that's true of any career though and to live by my words,"What you put into something is what you get out"- I'm sure these aren't just my words but they are good to live by. SOOO, I will put my heart and energy into this project and hope the creativity that lives within will come out in my music.And love.


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