Saturday, March 31, 2007


Aww Cripe, So I have very "biased" thoughts on life. Aww Crikey- that's what I meant to say. So figuring there is 69000000 thoughts, does mine matter?Does it? If you pray and ask to be delivered -is that a little much? Think about this...... God is in everything. Our Saviour was us...It's only about us. And Yes, Ghost was TV tonight so believe or or not-Ripley!!!!!

Life in 2007

So as we become a nation of -whatever the fuck - we are becoming-what is it that drives us. I believe in Addictions. And that can be from being a drug "addict" to a Democrat who staunchly believes in Hilary Clinton. Face the truth. We are all scared out of our minds to realize that THIS IS IT. THIS IS our lives. We all clamor for the attention of ?? someone. Is it God? Is it the cute girl next door? Is it the guy with the BMW and a 200,000 a year job? Does any of this quench what burns in our heart and soul for acceptance?
I really don't think it does. I think- it's a put on-"an eminence front" hopes are dashed-PEOPLE forget. And that is what we do the best. We forget. We forget those who love us , we forget those who believe in us and we strive to bring in the fashion of the day . The comforting hit off a joint or a nice big beer or an escape into cyberspace- so we can't hear ourselves. Put in the IPOD -Put in the Wii- Don't listen to your inner soul, don't face what it is that scares us or tries to control us. Let it grow. Let our lives became the imitation of what we never thought we'd be. Welcome.... Welcome to the reality.

And , yes, I am not that narrow to believe this is all. But look around.. make some choices. and REALLY LIVE again. And yeh, I'm scared too. I have my little bag of tricks to contend with. But I'm trying. And it truly makes me sad to see those who don't.