Saturday, April 14, 2007

Things that piss me off. Today only though

Imus. Yeh, I always thought he was a no talent hack and had no reason to be on the radio at all, BUT Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the rest of the hypocritical media wanna bes and "I never dun nuthin wrong" all ought to shut there pieholes. It pisses me off!!!! Why do Hispanic guys - and actually most guys between about 17 and 25 , when they have their picture taken look like they're gonna kick your ass. It is because most of them just realised they're not that smart? Just an observation, but check it out. You'll see.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bass Players

So, this time around in trying to get a band together it's been bass players. We are now on #5 since last August. In the last band it was drummers. I really hope this guy stays around long enough so we can get playing out. Once you do, and reach a certain point of credibility, it becomes so much easier to either --stay together, or if someone leaves, it's easier to pick up someone new.
I have a cold and would like to take a sick day at work, but we have a policy where unless a vital organ is hanging from your body it's best to show up.
So it goes.