Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Things I Let Slide- Until Now

O.K. The kidnapping in Haiti where the family had a child abducted and recieved a ransom note for $680.00 and because they couldn't pay it, they executed the child. There are several others I have run across that I won't bother going into but what has got me to the idiocy boiling point- I just read the British teacher in Sudan who "named" a teddy bear Muhammad and now has been fired and could be subject to 40 lashes -(What the hell is a lash, who's giving it and with what???) and 6 months in prison plus a fine.
Fine -I respect everyone's religious beliefs. Fine I understand I don't understand the middle east. Fine- Dubai is investing 7.5 Billion in Citicorp because we manage to fuck up our own finances in this country so badly. Fine-- Gas is 3.09 and going up and Exxon/Mobil only has made-Profit- in the last year of somewhere of well over $100 Billion-I believe Profit means that after ALL expenses are paid. Plus that is only one of several companies making Billions after Billions on our cotinuing plan to , well, I really don't know what our plan is anymore, but I do know , we really ought to come up with a better one than the one we have now.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well, it's only Tuesday, but I thoiught it would be a good day to say thanks. I often think that if we would think and act a little more like this , say in Feb. or March, it might help us keep in touch and a little stronger with family ties.
Saw some friends I haven't since last New Year's, they are really nice and they really are some that I want to keep up with and maybe see 3 times a year instead of twice. That just shows how involved we become and sometimes forget who are friends really are.
Had an early little T-giving with my Mom and brothers last night, we probably won't get together because of work schedules, but seeing each other was a good thing, we have seen more of each other in the last year that we probably have the last 5 or 10. Moral: Don't let time go to far, because we don't have my Dad to be with us any longer.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Woe men

Not that I think that this is what women should be called, but it would really be helpful if you all had some instructions or at least let us know what the hell you are thinking from time to time,

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Maybe I missed

I am so woefully out of touch as to when someone even looks at me. Is it a like really alook- or have I pissed her off.The more I know I don't know. I truly don't. I mean I need help. I need an angel.

Radio Gems

Every once in a while I stumble across something that makes me say, "wow or "that's hip" or something else that only I really understand. But regardless, I have found a couple, one being Keane, they have a couple cool songs out and one today- and that's by a band called Teenage Fanclub and the song in particular that struck my fancy is called Star Sign. It's actually from the early 90's , but it has a rather timeless sound to it. I think I dig it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Listening has become a lost art. Yelling hasn't. If one of my co-workers would have listened, I wouldn't have had to yell. People take the most innocent easy task and turn it into a nightmare for someone else, and I DON"T UNDERSTAND WHY!! Listen- and learn and it's not that hard that we could get so much more productivity out of ourselves and those around us.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Dreams? Well, what are dreams? Are they are subconscious giving us an insight into another realm? Are they fragments of memories that somehow we just paste together into a bizarre storyboard and then expect it to make sense? I don't know. You read a lot of dream intrepertations and what they mean, but is that really an accurate barometer for our psyche? Does seeing your great uncle in a dress driving a 1968 superbeetle mean your going to come across untold riches? I don't know.
I do know I've had some recurring dreams and I've asked the powers that help guide me (us) (if you believe) to either have them move along or give me some sort of resolution as to the troubling aspects of them. I really don't need to be reminded of any of my shortcomings in life on a nightly basis. So We shall see.