Tuesday, August 21, 2007

So, It's my B-Day

And , so what. I figure this is the 1st time in about 12 years I've worked on this day. No big deal. Or is it? Is this one of those things that I say doesn't bother me and then it does? I'll have to think on that for a while. It has rained for the last 2 and half days, so going to the beach would not have been an option anyway, unless, I would have wanted to get wet. Little joke for 'ya all.
Band practice tonight. Sven called and said he migght be late waiting for his cable to get hooked up. I can actually understand that, waiting for the cable guy is a crapshoot at any time.
Got in a fight with my daughter this morning. That made me grouchy. I really don't want to be grouchy today, so I asked for a little divine help to loosen me up. I still do look for some help from time to time. I often think more people should. It's hard to believe in intangible aspects of this life. Makes you wonder what our role is sometimes.
Watching a show on the Hanson? project last night. Not those teen-age guys, the place in Washington state the built the first nuclear reactors. How they did it, and the short amount of timke they did it in is truly astonishing. Truly. They went from an idea in 1943 to a working reactor able to "distill" plutonium in about a year. I watch something like that and then walk around our town and read the internet and wonder what was it all for. Once they made the 10,000th nuclear bomb that was 100 times more powerful than the original one, why didn't someone say- "Well, we should be good now, let's go and use all these resources to build a pyramid in the jungle." And that was just us. Let alone our "comrades. But no, we had to build more, so they did too. What a waste of talent and time. And now we spend millions and millions to try and repair the damage to the environment that we did by such projects. It would almost laughable if it wasn't so fuckin' sad.
Happy Birthday to all, and to all a good night.